Bring back your youthful skin
with the Mixto Laser Treatment!
If you’re ready for the next level of youthful skin, we’d like to formally introduce you to our in-office Mixto Laser for skin rejuvenation! We’ve had it in the office for about two years, so it’s something of a well-known “secret”, but we’re ready to shine the spotlight on our new equipment!
What is the Mixto Laser?
The Mixto laser is your key to unlocking refreshed and youthful-looking skin! Thanks to its “fractional” approach which keeps tiny treated areas surrounded by tiny untreated areas, you can be back to beautiful in even less time than before!
The Mixto laser has various levels of intensity to achieve your desired results and Dr. Weiss will consult with you to customize a plan that will specific needs.
- Refresh your look quickly with our light laser peel! This option is done with decreased laser power and does not require any anesthesia! A series of 5 short treatments are performed 2-3 weeks apart. Patients are able to return to work the same day.
- Turn the clock back with our fully ablative treatment! This option is the strongest Mixto laser option available. Local anesthesia and topical anesthesia are used to maintain patient comfort. Recovery is generally 10-14 days depending on the individual and the treatment received.
Are you ready to give your skin a boost? Give us a call and set up a free consultation today!
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