Becoming An Expert at Skin Rejuvenation

“Ophthalmic plastic surgeons (oculoplastic) surgeons are the experts at cosmetic eyelid surgery, so I am always interested in learning about any technique that improves the appearance around the eyes (such as Botox, cosmetic fillers and skin rejuvenation).
It was while on the faculty of Beckman Laser Institute at UCI that I was present at the birth of the modern era of laser skin rejuvenation in 1995 and became one of the first laser surgeons in the country trained in a new technology: CO2 laser skin rejuvenation. It is still the gold standard after all these years.
I mentioned elsewhere that my reputation in eyelid surgery indirectly led me to become an innovator in laser vision correction. Laser skin resurfacing is an example of my vision correction interests leading me back to the cosmetic side. I was performing some of the first laser vision correction procedures at the world-renowned Beckman Laser Institute, where they are constantly developing and introducing many different kinds of medical lasers. So I was on hand when the CO2 laser was approved in the U.S. and was among the first physicians trained in its use and having access to these state-of-the-art lasers.