Nov 20

Introducing Weiss Medical Minutes and Weiss Music Minutes

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone!  Since it’s a holiday week, I’ve got an extra special treat for you – both a medical blog and a music blog!  We’re all busy and short on time – so I’m introducing 2 new continuing features: Weiss Medical Minutes and Weiss Music Minutes.

Weiss Music and Medical Minutes

Each Weiss Medical Minute is approximately one minute long and contains a concise medical discussion or explanation.

With Weiss Music Minutes I will try to make the case that many complete musical songs or ideas can be fully expressed in 60 seconds or less. Let’s see what you think.

I hope your long weekend involves a lot of friends, family and love – things we can all be thankful for!

Weiss Medical Minute – Eyelid Surgery Common Questions

Eyelid surgery is fairly quick and relatively pain-free, but everyone has questions!   Here are answers some of your most common questions about eyelid surgery.

Weiss Music Minute – Tennessee Waltz

Here’s a one-minute cover of the Tennessee Waltz, one of my favorite songs, written by Redd Steward and Pee Wee King.