Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! My goal here is to get more personal – and simply share stuff with my friends, family, and patients!  You can expect some posts on the latest advances in cosmetic surgery (although it seems like there’ll be a fair amount of music-related posts – they’re too much fun to make!) I also expect that we’ll have more contests and free stuff, special events and even very special guests!


Blepharoplasty vs. Ptosis Surgery

Blepharoplasty vs. Ptosis Surgery – Medical Minute

November 28, 2018

Eyelid surgery can be a fairly quick and often painless procedure to quickly look years younger.  But did you know that eyelid surgery isn't always just about cosmetics?  Sometimes droopy upper eyelids can actually impede your vision and be a fairly serious medical issue! Today I'm excited to talk briefly about the difference between general eyelid surgery and specific types such as ptosis surgery.  The key takeaway is the following: Blepharoplasty is a general term referring to all types of eyelid surgery. Ptosis surgery is a type of eyelid surgery that corrects droopy upper eyelids. Thanks for watching!  And feel free to share this post on your favorite social media site! :)
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Before you get eyelid surgery, get tested for dry eyes!

January 9, 2018

Eyelid surgery is an effective way to turn back the clock and quickly look years younger. But before you sign up for surgery, it’s important to see if you are indeed a candidate for the potentially rejuvenating procedure! Learn more about the three tests we administer (Schirmer tear test, Fluroscein dye examination, and a Slit lamp examination) to make sure you’re going to get the great results you expect from Dr. Weiss!

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Asian Eyelid Surgery – Ask Dr. Weiss

September 1, 2016

Asian eyelid surgery requires a specialized knowledge of the unique physiological characteristics of the asian eyelid. Because of this, oculoplastic surgeons are often the best choice because of their focus on eyelid surgery as a specialty. Listen to Dr. Weiss discuss a patient and their fantastic results (complete with before and after pictures of course).

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Local Anesthesia and Singing in the OR!

July 15, 2016

Well here’s something you might not see everyday! As you might be well aware, Dr. Weiss is a big fan of local anesthesia; he feels it’s a safer choice that leads to more accurate results! But how do the patients feel about it? Well, here’s one patient that seems fairly comfortable with our choice. But we’ll let him do the talking…er…singing. 🙂 Local Anesthesia and Singing in the OR!

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Local vs. General Anesthesia for Blepharoplasty

May 24, 2016

Local anesthesia leads to safer and more accurate results in eyelid surgery, and Dr. Weiss is a proponent of local anesthesia when performing eyelid surgeries in his office. Local anesthesia allows for small, localized areas to be made numb as opposed to general anesthesia which puts the patient “to sleep” and requires an anesthesiologist to be present. But what makes local anesthesia the better choice for eyelid surgery? Watch the short video and find out more!  

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A Complete Look at Upper Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

December 18, 2015

We want our patients to be as informed as possible before making any decisions concerning their health.  That’s why we’re thrilled to bring you a complete and detailed look at the eyelid surgery process from pre-operative visit to before and after pictures. BEFORE AFTER While the Internet and sites like YouTube make it trivial to find example videos of any number of procedures, we believe it is invaluable to see YOUR physician (or potential physician) at work.  Surgery is an art as well as a science; it is important to see the way your physician operates. Please take note of a few details we think are crucial: Dr. Weiss feels strongly that the use of local anesthesia (as opposed to general produces the most accurate results. (Note: Our patients are given Valium by mouth but no IV sedation is used.) This allows Dr. Weiss to sit the patient up during the procedure and examine the eyelids for symmetry with the effect of gravity taken into consideration. In this way, local anesthesia leads to the most precise and predictable outcome. You’ll notice at the 14:30 mark, Dr. Weiss sits the patient up to do exactly as mentioned above. He examines the [...]