Welcome to my blog! My goal here is to get more personal – and simply share stuff with my friends, family, and patients! You can expect some posts on the latest advances in cosmetic surgery (although it seems like there’ll be a fair amount of music-related posts – they’re too much fun to make!) I also expect that we’ll have more contests and free stuff, special events and even very special guests!
Anchors Aweigh
January 16, 2019
America the Beautiful
June 5, 2018
I’d like to once again (in what has now become a yearly tradition) re-share this video rendition of “America the Beautiful” with my family of patients and friends. Help me honor and remember those who died for our country, and pray that many less will need to die in the future.
I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy!
July 3, 2016
Happy Birthday, America! From our family to yours, we wish you all a fantastic holiday filled with food, fun and fireworks! And to kick off your holiday weekend, we thought we’d give you a little song and dance. Enjoy your holiday weekend while we wait anxiously for the recording contract offers to come rolling in 😉 Happy Independence Day From Weiss Cosmetic
America the Beautiful - Memorial Day
May 29, 2016
I’d like to once again bring back what had become a yearly tradition and re-share this Weiss Music Minute (actually, 1 minute and 15 seconds) with my family of patients and friends. Help me honor and remember those who died for our country, and pray that many less will need to die in the future.